Clouds in blue sky


With a strong aerospace presence, 与一些世界领先的公司合作, 来自一流教育机构的强大人才储备, Arizona is the best location in the U.S. 用于测试、研究和将无人机部署到国家空域系统.


亚利桑那州的创新环境欢迎尖端技术,这些技术正在改变人们的生活. UAS has the potential to save lives, time and money. Below are practical uses of UAS.


在亚利桑那州的高速公路上发生了致命的车祸, 在某些情况下,公共安全部门可能不得不关闭高速公路, 在警察调查事故的同时,在两个方向. It’s possible that closure could last hours, and on some highways, like I-17 for instance, there aren’t many options for detours. In a recent study, 北卡罗来纳州交通运输部使用传统方法收集模拟正面碰撞的照片和数据, and also used drones.  Traditional methods took nearly two hours. UAS cut the time to 25 minutes. 在损失的生产时间方面估计节省了9 300美元.


美国州公路和交通官员协会发现,至少有35个州的交通部门在日常工作中使用无人机, including the Arizona Department of Transportation. Read more about how ADOT正在使用技术来保证亚利桑那州高速公路的安全.


使用无人机向世界偏远地区运送救生医疗用品并不是什么新鲜事. A company called Zipline 几年前开始用无人机向卢旺达的医疗中心运送血液和药物. 经过4000次飞行后,它扩展到了坦桑尼亚. Zipline is eager to spread its wings into the U.S. 市场,并一直热切地等待FAA的指定这样做.


Fortunately, Arizona, being part of a first-world country, doesn’t have the challenges of Rwanda or Tanzania, 但在许多偏远地区,无人机运送血液和医疗用品不仅会有所帮助, but necessary. Coconino County election officials still hike 在直升机将设备空运到大峡谷底部,为哈瓦苏派部落设立投票站. 邮政工人骑上骡子把邮件送到他们的小镇苏派. 想象一下,无人机对这个部落或亚利桑那州其他21个部落中的任何一个都有多大的好处. Zipline wants to be part of the conversation. Read more about the service Zipline hopes to provide in the U.S.


及早发现森林火灾可以挽救无数的生命和财产. In fact, state forestry officials believe 无人机可能救了19个花岗岩山高手的命 who died in the Yarnell Hill fire in 2013. The state didn’t have the technology back then, 但林业官员认为,无人机系统不仅可以追踪到野火的方向和强度, 但也可以作为急救人员之间的通信设备.  


美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)一直在使用无人机追踪飓风. Long-range UAS can fly as long as 30 hours and 11,000 miles into the heart of a storm, which is something, obviously, a human can’t do, or certainly can’t do safely. 据气象网报道,美国“龙卷风走廊”的科学家正在使用无人机探测天气模式, and eventually speed up warning systems, maybe by as much as an hour.    


 地球上最大的峡谷位于亚利桑那州北部. 大峡谷对游客来说是一块磁石,每年吸引近600万游客, most of them not familiar with the Canyon, the terrain, 天气状况和徒步旅行所需的耐力. 2016年,公园护林员执行了293次搜救任务,处理了1200起医疗紧急情况. Seventeen people died in the Canyon. 2017年,国家公园管理局开始使用无人机最值得注意的是,在寻找两名徒步旅行者时,他们在试图过河时被冲走了. While drones weren’t able to locate them, 公园护林员对这项技术的价值有了更多的了解,这项技术可以在步行无法到达、直升机无法到达的地区进行搜索. 然而,业余无人机是被禁止进入大峡谷的 and the other national parks for safety reasons. 这是政府如何监管这项可以挽救生命的技术的一个例子, but has to be limited.  


在电影行业中使用无人机可能不像搜索和救援或应急管理应用那样高贵或必要, 但它肯定会对全球经济产生影响, multi-billion dollar industry. Drones have become increasingly popular in Hollywood, 而且这种情况短期内似乎不会改变. From the opening motorcycle chase scene in Skyfall to all the aerial scenes in Jurassic World在美国,导演们喜欢通过无人机上的摄像机镜头看到的东西. They can fly through trees, or spaces too tight for a helicopter, and they’re much cheaper than a helicopter shoot.  麻省理工学院的研究人员开发了一种无人机系统,他们说这种系统实际上可以取代相机操作员.


As Arizona continues to make inroads in the film industry在美国,加快获得无人机使用许可的程序将有利于该行业.  


在无人机业务中有一个缩写词:BVLOS. It stands for “beyond visual line of site.有时,它被缩写为BLOS,意思是“超出站点线”.“在工程和建筑检查方面, 无人机似乎就是为这种工作设计的. 事实上,它们已经成为工业场所的固定设备有一段时间了. 有些公司甚至专门为特定行业提供航空服务, such as wind turbines, mines, or oil refineries.

甚至检查和维护桥梁和其他公共交通基础设施可能更适合无人机, 而不是让工人爬到危险的高度或在繁忙的道路上设置设备进行例行维护检查. 职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA)于2016年报告, 991 construction workers died on the job, and more than half (63.7%) were from falls. Doctors with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 我相信无人机系统不仅可以帮助减少坠落造成的建筑死亡, but also exposure to toxic chemicals, electrical hazards or vehicle and equipment crashes.


一些人认为农业将成为无人机的主导市场, 有可能彻底改变和改变农业. Drones can drop pesticide or fertilizer. They can map the soil in 3-D for further analysis. They can plant and irrigate. Outfit a drone with an infrared camera, and farmers can even determine the health of a plant, and how effective it is with photosynthesis. They can automate almost every step of the process. Goldman Sachs predicts within five years, 农业将成为该国使用无人机系统的最大部门, and the second-largest in the world.